Shelter Me

2005 - Four one-person shelters: a Chinese shrine; a movable shelter with tattoo images; a shelter made of flexible bark, wood and zinc; a curtain shelter with digital images.

‘Shelter Me’ is a work that parallels garment and architectural constructions or “flexible housing”. There is a basic need for a roof over one’s head, a protection from the tropical sun and rain. The roof is the most important part, defining a given space physically, as well as spiritually, like a temple encasing a vision or belief. A shelter is the most minimal construction needed for protection, not yet the shape of a house, but directly related to the proportions of the human body. 

The work ‘Shelter Me’ focuses on the possibilities of mobility and motion. Like words, images as tattoos and architectural designs travel the globe. For centuries, art forms and languages have been transported and exchanged through mysticism, shared beliefs and trade. This work also refers to the current global reality of migration. 

As part of the Yokohama Triennale in 2005, I placed these shelters in different sites in Yokohama. The video documentation of the shelters and the sites in Yokohama became an important part of the installation and is shown together with the shelters in the exhibition space.   
