Sawyer’s Dust III

2022 - Video 11’ 4’’, Camera: Anita Reza Zein

Accompanying the representations of the revitalized sawfish, I made a  video  documenting my exploration of antique shops on Jalan Surabaya in Jakarta, where I sought the original sawfish saw—a pivotal object contributing to the sawfish’s extinction.

The hunting of the sawfish during the colonial era, where the saw became an artifact, is ironically commented upon in ‘Sawyers’ Dust III,’ emphasizing humanity’s tendency to produce objects for various purposes. The last recorded sighting of this species in the lake dates back to 1974. Interestingly, the saw has persisted as a sought-after collector’s item, available online or discovered in antique shops. Curiosity led me to inquire about its current availability, prompting visits to numerous antique shops along Surabaya Street in Jakarta. Eventually, someone emerged to showcase the elusive artefact.
