In Ravel Out

2018 - Leather, stainless steel, newspapers, soluble plastic made of cassava

photography: Mie Cornoedus

For ‘In Ravel Out’I work with the idea of the ephemeral or finite life of an object. Impermanence is an important part of the change–it is transitory–made one day and gone the other day. It is about regeneration, renewal, and continuation. It is about a process of ongoing change regarding social and cultural patterns and trying to unravel these patterns’ meanings. The composition of the bags here appears to be plastic but is actually processed cassava, which is dissolvable in water. Inside of the bags are outdated copies of the Indonesian newspaper Tempo which is not published in hardcopy anymore and can only be accessed online. These papers allude to the transitory nature of current events, human memory, and the passage of time. Our effort to understand these things creates a sense of unraveling. cassava bags, Bali